Wednesday, January 1, 2020

5 Common Reasons People Get Fired From Their Job - The Muse

5 Common Reasons People Get Fired From Their Job - The Muse5 Common Reasons People Get Fired From Their JobI see no point in mincing words here If youre an at-will employee- as most of us non-union members are- you can get fired at any time for no reason at all (so long as it isnt illegal). Thats a fact. But assuming you dont work for an organization thats likely to ax you for well, doing a great job and garnering high performance marks, you probably dont need to overthink this one. With that out of the way, lets talk about some common reasons people lose their jobs (and Im not talking about unavoidable mass layoffs or inability to meet a clearly defined sales goal). No, Im referring to those altogether avoidable things that you have no geschftliches miteinander doing- unless you dont care about getting let go.1. Stealing Company EquipmentIt sounds like a no-brainer, but take a step back and you might see some less-obvious transgressions. Think no onell notice if you take a stack of printer paper home every week? If you accidentally lose your mouse and need to expense another of each? If you pocket snacks, and tea bags, and community honey every afternoon to stock your own pantry?Fine lines, maybe, but all of it is taking whats not yours, something companies consider a serious offense. If you get home one evening and realize you have a stack of Post-its in your bag that you could really use to leave notes for the babysitter, youre probably not going to raise any eyebrows (or suspicion), but if theres ever an ounce of doubt about what youre taking- on purpose or otherwise- the only answer is not to do it. 2. Lying to a Client (or Your Boss)Were not talking about those little lies everyone tells at one point or another. Taking a sick day because you had terrible insomnia and cant fathom the thought of putting on pants is one thing, but telling your boss that a family member died when really you found a cheap flight to Europe is another, wouldnt you say? Misleadin g a clients just as bad, and dont for a second think that it wont come back to haunt you (these things typically do). Often, we think that fudging the truth will save us from getting in trouble, but when the story comes out, the hot water is bound to be so much hotter. If your boss or clients cant trust you, how will you ever move up? Forget that How will you keep your job? If youre worried about something reflecting badly on you, be the one to initiate the conversation about what went wrong. I promise its a heck of a lot easier than trying to titelseite it up after the fact.3. Bullying or Harassing a ColleagueYou know this one, right? Sexual harassment or workplace bullying is intolerable and pretty much guaranteed to get you canned if HR gets wind of it. Good. But be careful for all the small ways this might manifest. Shaming a co-workers greasy hamburger and fries lunch could easily be considered obnoxious and mean. Commenting on a colleagues dress or making flirty comments, no m atter how subtle, isnt OK if its unwanted. Simply being nasty in an email to a team member you dont like- even if theyre doing a terrible job- is a conversation better had offline with the offending party. Acting like a bully and causing someone to literally dread coming into work each day is one of the best reasons Ive heard for losing your job. So, play nice Be respectful, kind, and aware.4. Not Doing Your WorkMost of us can relate to going through a rough patch when motivation seems impossible to grasp and were barely eking out a decent days work. Maybe some days, you look back and wonder how you wasted the whole day. Hey, it happens to the best of us. But, struggle to complete any work over an extended period of time, and you can bet your boss isnt having it. If you cant be depended on to do your job (and were not even talking about going above and beyond), then how can you make a case that you deserve said job? Communicate with your manager if you need an extended deadline or i f youre approaching burnout, but dont just stop doing your work.5. Calling Out or Coming in Late on a Regular grundSick and personal days exist for a reason, and you should use them at your discretion and with your supervisors approval. And sure, sometimes the flu will knock you out for a week, or youll have a family issue and need to use all of your personal days across a short period of time. But when you start calling in sick weekly or coming in late every day, you better believe your managers taking notice.Again, we all have hard weeks, where bad commutes or childcare issues play prominent roles. When your absences become egregious, however, you put your job security at risk. Employers want reliable, committed people on their team, and if you cant be this person, theyre bound to find someone who can be. Getting fired is awful- very often for both parties. Former HR professional Dorianne St Fleur says that managers dont enjoy having to fire anyone and will usually try to give cha nces where possible, but when it comes to company policies being blatantly violated, theres no alternative. Your job- aside from doing your job- is to refuse to give them a reason to show you the door. Policies are in place for a reason, so do the right thing, and youre more likely to get promoted than terminated.

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